Meteor Manuscript Program
Is your child an author? An illustrator?
Meteor Manuscript is back this year!
Each student participating can create an individual book that will contain their own writing and illustrations.
Calling all Mitchell Authors:
Mitchell Meteor Manuscripts wants to turn your story into a BOOK. Did you do something fun over the break? Do you have a funny story to tell? Do you enjoy creating your own stories straight from
your imagination? Maybe you would like to share the facts you have researched about your favorite person, animal, or historical event. Are you a poet and would like to share your poems? Your very own literary creation can be hot off the press this spring!
Students in grades 2nd-5th, please take time to write a story or type it on a computer and submit it on 8 1/2 x 11 paper to your teacher by March 7th. Stories written for this year’s Reflections contest are welcomed as well as new creations. You can add drawings, pictures, or images from the computer. You can just write your story and let your reader imagine what you describe. This is YOUR book!
For grades PK-1st, all authors who wish to participate will complete and illustrate an “All About Me” book. A link to the book is listed below. Please email your teacher or if you need a hard copy sent home. Get started on your creations!
Please plan for Student Author Receptions later in March. An invitation will be sent home with the exact date and time.
Please contact Jennifer Goeres at
with any questions.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 14
- Friday, February 21
- Tuesday, February 25
- Thursday, March 6
- Thursday, March 13