Submit your entries on or before Monday, October 28 to your classroom teacher.
About Reflections:
The National PTA Reflections program encourages students of all ages and abilities to explore and be involved in the arts. Through the program, National PTA, Texas PTA, Mitchell PTA and PTAs across the country urge students in preschool through grade 12 to create and submit original works of art in the medium of their choice— dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts — reflecting on a specific theme. There also is a special artist division option for students with disabilities to ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate in the program. Students are recognized each year for their artistic ingenuity to bring the theme to life in a way that is personal and meaningful.
Quick Facts:
- Students participate in the appropriate division for their grade: Primary (Pre-K - Grade 2), Intermediate (Grades 3-5), Accessible Arts - Students who identify as having a disability (All grades welcome).
- Eligible students may enter any or all of the six art categories. Multiple entries within a single arts category are permitted. Each entry must be the original work of one student and created specifically for the Reflections program based on the theme, Accepting Imperfection. Each entry must also conform to the guidelines developed by National PTA.
- *The student or at least one person from their primary household must be a current member of the Mitchell PTA. Sign up here! Mitchell Elementary PTA - Our PTA (membershiptoolkit.com)
Find out more at: https://www.txpta.org/reflections
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28