Mitchell After School Enrichment (ASE) Program 


Mitchell PTA is excited to offer the After School Enrichment (ASE) Program for students!

More details on this year's 2024-2025 programs are now available! Deadline to register is January 10th! Classes start the week of January 21st.

Registration for SPRING is now OPEN!  Scroll for all details!



  1. Review the 2024-2025 Parent ASE Program Agreement
  2. (Now Updated for Spring!) Complete the 2024-2025 Mitchell After School Enrichment Parent Form via Google forms
  3. Register Directly with the Vendor, via their registration link in the program flyers below
  4. Sign up to chaperone at least once per activity, per semester: Mitchell PTA: Mitchell Spring 2025 ASE Chaperone





  1. Revise el Acuerdo del Programa ASE para Padres 2024-2025
  2. Complete el formulario para padres del programa de enriquecimiento extraescolar de Mitchell 2024-2025 a traves de formularios de Google
  3. Regístrese directamente con el Proveedor

    a través de su enlace de registro, dentro de los folletos del programa a continuación

  4. Regístrese para ser acompañante al menos una vez al día

    actividad, por semestre: Enlace de Registro




Spring 2025 Registration NOW Available! 

Deadline to register is January 10th. Classes begin the week of January 21st


Monday (Option 1) - Soccer Stars

Click HERE to Register





Monday (Option 2) - Hola Amigo/Hello Friend! Language Learning Club

 To register, please complete the Parent Interest form and staff will contact you: 

2024-2025 Mitchell After School Enrichment Parent Form via Google forms




Tuesday (Option 1) - Taekwondo

Click Flyer to Register





Tuesday (Option 2) - Dynasty Dance

Click Flyer to Register



Wednesday - Challenge Island

Click Flyer to Register



 Thursday (Option 1) - YOGA

Click Flyer to Register





Thursday (Option 2)

 Click Here to Register for 1st-3rd Grade Tech Club

Click Here to Register for 4th-5th Grade Tech Club


Friday (Option 1) 

 Click Flyer to Register


Friday (Option 2)

Click Flyer to Register