Welcome to the PTA Online Store and Registration!

Here you can join the PTA, purchase PTA sponsored items including school supplies, yearbooks and spirit wear, update your PTA directory information, make a donation and sign-up for volunteer opportunities.

All purchases can be made using a credit card, or debit card.  



hide sectionSchool Store: Spirit Wear, PTA Membership, and Donations
Our PTA provides many valued services for you and your children such as school programs, field trips, teacher/staff appreciation, school wish list items and family activities. We are committed to improving the lives of your children through programs that address education, health, and social concerns. With your help we can strengthen the home-school connection, uniting parents, teachers, and faculty. Note: PTA membership does not require you to volunteer your time.
Show your Meteor spirit by purchasing our awesome Mitchell Spirit Wear and other Spirit Items!


Donate to Galaxy Way 24-25 Here

Choose this option for your Family Name or Business to be included as a sponsor of Mitchell. This year the PTA is working hard to find creative ways to support and fundraise. Simply choose the level of support you would like to give ($25, $50, $100 or more!) and your star will be added to the Mitchell Galaxy. Thanks for your contribution!